
Library staff shall adhere to the policies of the City of Marlow as stated in the Personnel Policies Handbook.  Policies and job descriptions that are library-specific shall be established in the library policies.  All library staff working twenty or more hours a week shall attend Librarianship classes to become certified at his/her appropriate level.  After certification each staff member is responsible for taking one workshop annually and fulfilling requirements for recertification. Staff is paid for actual class hours and reimbursed for travel and meals.  To be reimbursed, mileage and other receipts must be submitted to the City Clerk’s office with employee’s name, date, and event attended.  Every effort shall be made to arrange scheduling so staff may attend workshops.

Each employee’s history with the library shall be recorded and kept in the employee’s personnel file.  These documents include job evaluations, change of status records, commendations, corrective action warnings, educational attainment records and any other document pertinent to the employee’s work performance.  Evaluations are conducted in accordance with the City of Marlow Personnel Policies Handbook.

Employees shall be responsible for setting cell phones, pagers, and other personal electronic devices to silent and securing these items with his/her personal belongings.  Each employee may check and return messages during a break time determined by the employee and the library director.  Use of library phones follows the City of Marlow Personnel Policies as stated on page 11 of the policy handbook.